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« Travel Sketchbook » Art Birthday Party for Children – Private Event
For your children aged 4 years and above, I can set up a drawing and painting workshop, to make their birthday party an unforgettable experience!
According to their age, children will paint and decorate a small box (which they may fill up with candies or small toys), or create an artwork on a cardboard canvas representing a page of their « imaginary travel sketchbook ». Two hours to escape and have fun while learning drawing and painting skills!
A customized worskhop, at the studio (8 children) or at your home (from 9 children on). You may bring the birthday cake and snacks at the studio if you wish.
Autour du Yunnan
Tote Bag With Eiffel Tower Drawing
Small Travel-size Watercolor Box
Convenient for working outdoors or while travelling, this box has about ten different colors, that can be replaced individually when running out of one.
The box also includes a mini-brush, that can be used for details or when painting very small formats. This brush being small, it is best to get a middle-size watercolor brush.